Attilio arts
I Kiss Therefore I Am
Attilio Chien Solo Exhibition 2025
週一至週日08:30~17:30 彰化鹿港鎮工路6號
attilio chien
“Whoever knows how to love, knows how to live."
Coming Exhibitions
2025 Feb. 05 - Mar 09 Show Chuan Art Gallery, Changhua
台灣彰化 秀傳人文藝術館
2025 Apr. 11- Apr. 13 Art3f International Contemporary Art Fair, Fira de Barcelona. Pavelló 7. Barcelona
西班牙巴塞隆納 Art3f 國際藝術博覽會 巴塞隆納國際展示中心 7號展館
2023 Jury of 51th Golden Bell Awards GBA, Taipei, Taiwan
2021 『Contemporary Art of Excellence』Volume 4 published by GAA
2020 Jury of 31th Golden Melody Awards album design, Taipei, Taiwan
2020 Teacher of 「Cultural and creative of art」 in PCCU, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Jury of 29th Golden Melody Awards album design, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 McCann Vice president & Execute Creative Director, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Jury of 15th Golden Finger, Taipei, Taiwan..
2015 Jury of ILEC International public servie ADS festival, Macao, China
2013 Jury of 4A., Taipei, Taiwan, ( McCann )
2003 Jury of 26th Times award, Taipei, Taiwan (The A Team, Execute Creative Director
2023 The First Price Painting Award Fira International D'Art De Barcelona
2023 The Stars of Art and Market
2022 International Prize London
2022 International Prize Paris
2022 International Prize Caravaggio in Minano
2022 International Prize Leonardo da Vinci in Florence
2021 Art Olympic Prize
2019 "Award of Excellence", New York Art Expo
2019 "Award of Best New Artist", GuangZhou Art Expo
2019 "Must Have" by Collectors' vote, World Trade Center, Taipei
2017 Agency & advertiser of the year, Story telling sliver (Nestle, Never too late)
2016 Best commercial video in YouTube. (McCann, CTBC, Are you fine there?)
2016 10 creative commercial of the year in Taiwan.( McCann , CTBC, Are you fine there?)
2015 American Association of Advertising Agencies ( McCann, Taiwan high speed rail)
2014 Times Asia-Pacific Awards ( McCann, Taiwan high speed rail)
2011 Times awards Cars, Food(Batey Ads.)
2006 LongYin Awards 『This is NOT KFC』 (Publicis Group)
2003 Chicago AD Award Rockport Sport series(Leoburnett Ads.)
2002 Dents Ad award Japan Panasonic Home appliance series (Dentsu One)
1998 Best documentary film 『A woman with diabetes』in Australia
1996 Best design of college logo in Australia
1992 Best photo of 20th Taipei Art Award『 Psychological analysis 』
Solo Exhibitions
2025,「I Kiss, Therfore I am.」, Show Chuan Art Gallery, Changhua, Taiwan
2022,「Mom, she kissed me.」, IAC DaXia Galley,Taipei, Taiwan
2021,「We are all born because of being loved」, IAC DaXia Galley,Taipei, Taiwan
2020, 「Black / White tsim」, 68 Art gallery, Yilan, Taiwan
2019, 「Just want to kiss me」, World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2019,「 Kiss Me, Salute to the masters」, IAC DaXia Galley,Taipei, Taiwan
2018,「Little #EATHAPPIESS 」,SKM Department Store, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018,「Darkness #IAMBITH」,SKM Department Store ,Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2018,「 #GiveMeAKiss 」,SKM Department Store, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2017,「Less is More」,Breeze Nanjing RT Cafe,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「Red Trees」,Fullon Hotel Fisherman's Wharf,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「Black/AntiBlack」,Flip Flop Hostel ,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「 Give me a kiss」,Flip Flop ,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「 Give me a kiss」,Fullon Hotel Fisherman's Wharf,New Taipei, Taiwan
2016,「Body andSoul/ BITCH」,RichMan Touch Art,Taipei, Taiwan
2016,「BITCH」,Breeze Nanjling RT Cafe,Taipei, Taiwan
2016,「Minimalist Arts」,Fullon Hotel Fisherman's Wharf,New Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「 Black/AntiBlack/Little Paula/Kiss」,RichMan Touch Art,Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「 Kiss 」,De Qian Galley,Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「Litlee Paula」 /「 Kiss」 ,Image and Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「Black/AntiBlack 」IAC DaXia Galley,Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「 Sale of art for children charity 」,Old wood Cafe,Taipei, Taiwan
2014,「Sale of art for animal charity」, Old wood Cage,Taipei, Taiwan
2013,「Black/AntiBlack 」,Art Space 563 Gallery,Taipei, Taiwan
Group Exhibitions
2023,「Fira Internacional d'Art de Barcelona」, Museu Marítim de Barcelona, Barcelona
2023,「Parallax Art Fair」,Kensington Town Hall, London
2023,「Art Salon Expo」,,Carrousel du Louvre,Paris, France
2023,「New York Art Expo」,Pier 36, New York, Unite States.
2022,「International Biennale in Barcelona」,European Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
2022, 「Art Salon Expo」, Carrousel du Louvre,Paris, France
2022,「50th CiFF International Furniture Fair」,National Exhibition and Convention Center, ShangHai, China.
2020,「An artwork, a story」, Gao Jianfu Memorial Hall, GuangZhou, China.
2020,「iGoodPoint」,SOGO Fuxing, Taipei, Taiwan
2020,「All Future In」, Huashan 1914 Creative Park,Taipei, Taiwan
2020, 「0101 Art fair」,World Trade Center,Taipei, Taiwan
2019, 「One Piece Club collection exhibition」,World Trade Center,Taipei, Taiwan
2019, 「24th GuangZhou Art Expo」, Puzhou Canton Fair Complex, GuangZhou, China.
2019, 「Art Salon Expo」,Carrousel du Louvre,Paris, France
2019, 「Contemporary Art Salon」,World Trade Center,Taipei, Taiwan
2019,「41th New York Art Expo」,Pier 90, New York, Unite States.
2019, 「Art Expo of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao artists」, Songshan Lake, Dongguan, China
2019, 「ARCHIVE」, Dali art gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2017,「Creative Expo Taiwan」,Taipei Expo,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「Creative Expo Japan」 ,Tokyo, Japan
2017,「Artist Group Exhibition BITCH」,Songshan Cultural& Createive Park,Taipei, Taiwan
2017,「 Give me a kiss」 interactive event, MOCA Taipei,Taipei, Taiwan
2015,「 Tagboat Fes. 2015 」, Asakusa Bridge,Tokyo, Japan
2014,「Children Artist Festival」, Huashan 1914 Creative Park,Taipei, Taiwan
About Artist
My mother once said “Whoever knows how to love, knows how to live."
Attilio Chien, former executive creative director of McCann Advertising, has 25 years of advertising experience. One day at the age of 50, I realized that since 17, I have lost my dream of being a painter. I began to look for my lost dreams so that I will not have regrets when I get old. My mother passed away at the age of 51. In my memories of her, she had always said to me, “Give me a kiss!”
Because of this, I have become very interested in the most intimate behavior between people. Anatomically speaking, a kiss uses 29 face muscles. Perceptually, a kiss also conveys a variety of complex emotions, including making a simple promise.
There is a story of an old man who asked his doctor, “When the time is up, what do you have to say?” The doctor just said, “Wife, kiss! My dear, because it’s the last moment of life ~Why I have Kiss artworks?
We’re living in a world that full of Hi-Tech products, do we remember when the last time we had a good hug with family or friends, and gave them a lovely warm kiss? Some people would like to slide their phone rather than to talk with their friends even they sit at the same table. It's cold but true that we might feel more and more lonely.
I like to listen stories of kiss from friends or strangers, then create artworks to show different kind of kisses, love , surprise, happiness or even funny. When I heard people who came to my exhibitions "Thank you, we can feel warm and love today”, they said. that's a strong power to inspire me to create more kiss artworks, to show more kiss stories.
let’s kiss goodbye to love.”
We are all born because of being loved...............
Rocky Lee
Email : rocky366@gmail.com
Mobile (What's app) : +886-988-323-629
WeChat : rockylee366
Line: rockyline366
Instragram : @attilioarts
懂得愛人的人 懂得生活
Attilio Chien 簡明正 (English)
202ˇ 第58屆金鐘獎評審,台灣台北
2021『Contemporary Art of Excellence』Volume 收錄 由GAA 出版
2020『 畫說 』 作品收錄 由 廣州高劍父紀念館 出版
2020 第31屆金曲裝幀評審,台灣台北
2020 文化大學特聘藝術文創教師 ,台灣台北
2018 第29屆金曲裝幀評審,台灣台北
2016 麥肯副總/執行創意總監,台灣台北
2016 第15屆金手指網路獎 評審委員
2015 ILEC 國際公益廣告節 評審 暨 頒獎人 ,中國澳門
2013 4A創意獎評審,台灣台北 (麥肯廣告)
2003 第26屆時報金像獎評審,台灣台北 (博上廣告執行創意總監)
2023 巴塞隆納國際藝術博覽會繪畫藝術家首獎
2023 藝術與市場新星獎
2022 International Prize London 倫敦國際藝術獎
2022 International Prize Paris 巴黎國際藝術獎
2022 International Prize Caravaggio 卡拉瓦喬國際藝術獎
2022 International Prize Leonardo da Vinci in Florence 第四屆奧納多·達芬奇國際獎——環球藝術家
2021 Art Olympic Prize 義大利藝術奧林匹克獎
2019 紐約藝術博覽會 最佳藝術創意獎
2019 廣州國際藝術博覽會 最佳潛力藝術家獎
2019 春季沙龍台北收藏交易中心人氣票選第一名 收藏家壓寶必收藏作品
2017 行銷傳播獎 故事傳播 銀獎 雀巢防敏爸媽教室 還來得及
2016 台灣第一季 YouTube 最成功廣告影片 麥肯 中國信託 你在那好嗎?
2016 台灣年度十大創意廣告 麥肯 中國信託 你在那好嗎?
2015 36屆時報華文/亞太/4A廣告 麥肯品牌台灣高鐵 中國信託傳播行銷獎
2014 亞太廣告獎 台灣高鐵宣傳 麥肯
2011 時報廣告獎 汽車類獎 食品類 百帝
2006 龍吟榜 這不是肯德基 楊獅
2003 Chicago AD Award Rockport 運動系列 李奧貝納
2002 Dents Ad award Japan Panasonic 家電系列 國華
1998 澳大利亞 『糖尿病的女人』紀錄片 首獎
1996 全澳大學識別徽章logo設計,第一名
1992 台北市20屆美展 攝影『心理分析』第一名
2020,「黑白 tsim」,68 當代藝術空間,宜蘭,台灣
2019,「 吻我。向大師致敬 」,大夏藝廊,台北,台灣
2018,「廚師小寶拉 #吃掉幸福 」,左營新光三越,高雄,台灣
2018,「暗黑系列 #我是碧曲」,左營新光三越,高雄,台灣
2018,「 #GiveMeAKiss 個展」,左營新光三越,高雄,台灣
2017,「Less is More」,微風南京 RT Cafe,台北,台灣
2017,「黑/ 反黑」,Flip Flop Hostel,台北,台灣
2017,「 Give me a kiss」,Flip Flop Hostel,台北,台灣
2017,「 Give me a kiss」,漁人碼頭福容大飯店,新北,台灣
2016,「體會 · 碧曲」,RichMan Touch 藝術文化娛樂平台,台北,台灣
2016,「碧曲」,微風南京 RT Cafe,台北,台灣
2016,「極.簡藝術祭 六大系列 個展 」,漁人碼頭福容大飯店,新北,台灣
2015,「反黑/黑/小寶拉/Kiss」,RichMan Touch 藝術文化娛樂平台,台北,台灣
2015,「 Kiss 」,德謙文化藝術空間,台北,台灣
2015,「小寶拉」 /「 Kiss」 雙系列,大夏藝廊,台北,台灣
2015,「反黑/黑 人性個展 」,大廈藝廊,台北,台灣
2013,「反黑/黑 人性個展 」,563 藝術空間,台北,台灣
2022,「FIABCN 國際藝術博覽會」,海事博物館,巴塞隆納,西班牙
2022,「巴塞隆納國際藝術雙年展」,European Museum of Modern Art of Barcelona,巴塞隆納,西班牙
2022,「CifFF 中國家博會/藝術展」,國家會展中心,上海,中國
2020,「All Future In 藝術家聯展」,華山1914,台北,台灣
2020,「0101 Art Fair」,世貿台北收藏交易中心,台北,台灣
2019,「One Piece Club 收藏展」,世貿台北收藏交易中心,台北,台灣
2019,「潮 Archive 聯展」,中陽藝廊,台中,台灣
2017,「藝術家聯展 碧曲」,松山文創園區,台北,台灣
2017,「 Give me a kiss」 event,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣
2015,「 Tagboat Fes. 2015 」,淺草橋會場,東京,日本
2014,「兒童大藝術家節」,1914 華山藝文園區,台北,台灣
by Attilio Chien
.2025 中時新聞網 彰濱秀傳紀念醫院 (醫院開畫展)
.2023 PCHome 新聞 毀了之後再展出! Attilio《名畫控訴》個展 籲重視環保與珍惜藝術文化
.2022 Zeek玩家誌 Häagen-Dazs再推羅浮宮聯名禮盒!攜手Attilio簡明正、孟耿如首發限量藝術NFT
.2022 世展網 CIFF上海虹橋| 第三屆“設計超有趣”圓滿落幕,三大亮點重現“米克諾斯印象”
.2022 經濟日報 藝術共享媒合平台The Bridge Art手繪腕表聯名 演繹藝術美學
.2022 經濟日報 The Bridge Art 與路易莎合作 讓日常即藝術
.新頭條˙拉近人與人的親密距離 前麥肯創意總監全新作品展宜蘭登場
.幸福松山湖˙艺术遇上科技 碰撞绝妙火花
.Taiwan News˙Taiwan artist launches 'Kiss Me' exhibition
.Artexpo New York 2019˙(影片 00:10) Friday Show Highlights
.WoW News˙新光三越燈展慶元宵
.中華新聞報˙#GiveMeAKiss Attilio arts特展
.We People˙向大師致敬特展報導
. 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂˙Attilio 高雄新光三越特展
.動腦新聞˙17歲未完夢想 簡明正畫出心中美
.Dream maps˙廣告副總兼創意總監Attilio.欣傳媒˙那耳熟能詳地 - 簡明正
.TNN˙極簡藝術祭 百幅作品封樓展出!
.丞丞的知識分享˙Attilio Arts 極簡藝術祭
.BLTV˙兒童大藝術家節 (影片 01:30) 兒童與藝術家聯手創「藝」
Attilio Chien's Exhibitions
作品諮詢 展覽合作
Contact 聯絡人
Rocky Lee
Email : rocky366@gmail.com
Mobile (What's app) : +886-988-323-629
WeChat : rockylee366
Line: rockyline366
© 2017